002* Licensed under Public Domain (CC0)                                    *
003*                                                                       *
004* To the extent possible under law, the person who associated CC0 with  *
005* this code has waived all copyright and related or neighboring         *
006* rights to this code.                                                  *
007*                                                                       *
008* You should have received a copy of the CC0 legalcode along with this  *
009* work. If not, see <http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/>.*
012package org.reactivestreams.example.unicast;
014import org.reactivestreams.Subscriber;
015import org.reactivestreams.Subscription;
018 * SyncSubscriber is an implementation of Reactive Streams `Subscriber`,
019 * it runs synchronously (on the Publisher's thread) and requests one element
020 * at a time and invokes a user-defined method to process each element.
021 *
022 * NOTE: The code below uses a lot of try-catches to show the reader where exceptions can be expected, and where they are forbidden.
023 */
024public abstract class SyncSubscriber<T> implements Subscriber<T> {
025  private Subscription subscription; // Obeying rule 3.1, we make this private!
026  private boolean done = false;
028  @Override public void onSubscribe(final Subscription s) {
029    // As per rule 2.13, we need to throw a `java.lang.NullPointerException` if the `Subscription` is `null`
030    if (s == null) throw null;
032    if (subscription != null) { // If someone has made a mistake and added this Subscriber multiple times, let's handle it gracefully
033      try {
034        s.cancel(); // Cancel the additional subscription
035      } catch(final Throwable t) {
036        //Subscription.cancel is not allowed to throw an exception, according to rule 3.15
037        (new IllegalStateException(s + " violated the Reactive Streams rule 3.15 by throwing an exception from cancel.", t)).printStackTrace(System.err);
038      }
039    } else {
040      // We have to assign it locally before we use it, if we want to be a synchronous `Subscriber`
041      // Because according to rule 3.10, the Subscription is allowed to call `onNext` synchronously from within `request`
042      subscription = s;
043      try {
044        // If we want elements, according to rule 2.1 we need to call `request`
045        // And, according to rule 3.2 we are allowed to call this synchronously from within the `onSubscribe` method
046        s.request(1); // Our Subscriber is unbuffered and modest, it requests one element at a time
047      } catch(final Throwable t) {
048        // Subscription.request is not allowed to throw according to rule 3.16
049        (new IllegalStateException(s + " violated the Reactive Streams rule 3.16 by throwing an exception from request.", t)).printStackTrace(System.err);
050      }
051    }
052  }
054  @Override public void onNext(final T element) {
055    if (subscription == null) { // Technically this check is not needed, since we are expecting Publishers to conform to the spec
056      (new IllegalStateException("Publisher violated the Reactive Streams rule 1.09 signalling onNext prior to onSubscribe.")).printStackTrace(System.err);
057    } else {
058      // As per rule 2.13, we need to throw a `java.lang.NullPointerException` if the `element` is `null`
059      if (element == null) throw null;
061      if (!done) { // If we aren't already done
062        try {
063          if (whenNext(element)) {
064            try {
065              subscription.request(1); // Our Subscriber is unbuffered and modest, it requests one element at a time
066            } catch (final Throwable t) {
067              // Subscription.request is not allowed to throw according to rule 3.16
068              (new IllegalStateException(subscription + " violated the Reactive Streams rule 3.16 by throwing an exception from request.", t)).printStackTrace(System.err);
069            }
070          } else {
071            done();
072          }
073        } catch (final Throwable t) {
074          done();
075          try {
076            onError(t);
077          } catch (final Throwable t2) {
078            //Subscriber.onError is not allowed to throw an exception, according to rule 2.13
079            (new IllegalStateException(this + " violated the Reactive Streams rule 2.13 by throwing an exception from onError.", t2)).printStackTrace(System.err);
080          }
081        }
082      }
083    }
084  }
086  // Showcases a convenience method to idempotently marking the Subscriber as "done", so we don't want to process more elements
087  // herefor we also need to cancel our `Subscription`.
088  private void done() {
089    //On this line we could add a guard against `!done`, but since rule 3.7 says that `Subscription.cancel()` is idempotent, we don't need to.
090    done = true; // If we `whenNext` throws an exception, let's consider ourselves done (not accepting more elements)
091    try {
092      subscription.cancel(); // Cancel the subscription
093    } catch(final Throwable t) {
094      //Subscription.cancel is not allowed to throw an exception, according to rule 3.15
095      (new IllegalStateException(subscription + " violated the Reactive Streams rule 3.15 by throwing an exception from cancel.", t)).printStackTrace(System.err);
096    }
097  }
099  // This method is left as an exercise to the reader/extension point
100  // Returns whether more elements are desired or not, and if no more elements are desired
101  protected abstract boolean whenNext(final T element);
103  @Override public void onError(final Throwable t) {
104    if (subscription == null) { // Technically this check is not needed, since we are expecting Publishers to conform to the spec
105      (new IllegalStateException("Publisher violated the Reactive Streams rule 1.09 signalling onError prior to onSubscribe.")).printStackTrace(System.err);
106    } else {
107      // As per rule 2.13, we need to throw a `java.lang.NullPointerException` if the `Throwable` is `null`
108      if (t == null) throw null;
109      // Here we are not allowed to call any methods on the `Subscription` or the `Publisher`, as per rule 2.3
110      // And anyway, the `Subscription` is considered to be cancelled if this method gets called, as per rule 2.4
111    }
112  }
114  @Override public void onComplete() {
115    if (subscription == null) { // Technically this check is not needed, since we are expecting Publishers to conform to the spec
116      (new IllegalStateException("Publisher violated the Reactive Streams rule 1.09 signalling onComplete prior to onSubscribe.")).printStackTrace(System.err);
117    } else {
118      // Here we are not allowed to call any methods on the `Subscription` or the `Publisher`, as per rule 2.3
119      // And anyway, the `Subscription` is considered to be cancelled if this method gets called, as per rule 2.4
120    }
121  }