002* Licensed under Public Domain (CC0)                                    *
003*                                                                       *
004* To the extent possible under law, the person who associated CC0 with  *
005* this code has waived all copyright and related or neighboring         *
006* rights to this code.                                                  *
007*                                                                       *
008* You should have received a copy of the CC0 legalcode along with this  *
009* work. If not, see <http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/>.*
012package org.reactivestreams.example.unicast;
014import org.reactivestreams.Subscriber;
015import org.reactivestreams.Subscription;
017import java.util.concurrent.Executor;
018import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean;
019import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentLinkedQueue;
022 * AsyncSubscriber is an implementation of Reactive Streams `Subscriber`,
023 * it runs asynchronously (on an Executor), requests one element
024 * at a time, and invokes a user-defined method to process each element.
025 *
026 * NOTE: The code below uses a lot of try-catches to show the reader where exceptions can be expected, and where they are forbidden.
027 */
028public abstract class AsyncSubscriber<T> implements Subscriber<T>, Runnable {
030  // Signal represents the asynchronous protocol between the Publisher and Subscriber
031  private static interface Signal {}
033  private enum OnComplete implements Signal { Instance; }
035  private static class OnError implements Signal {
036    public final Throwable error;
037    public OnError(final Throwable error) { this.error = error; }
038  }
040  private static class OnNext<T> implements Signal {
041    public final T next;
042    public OnNext(final T next) { this.next = next; }
043  }
045  private static class OnSubscribe implements Signal {
046    public final Subscription subscription;
047    public OnSubscribe(final Subscription subscription) { this.subscription = subscription; }
048  }
050  private Subscription subscription; // Obeying rule 3.1, we make this private!
051  private boolean done; // It's useful to keep track of whether this Subscriber is done or not
052  private final Executor executor; // This is the Executor we'll use to be asynchronous, obeying rule 2.2
054  // Only one constructor, and it's only accessible for the subclasses
055  protected AsyncSubscriber(Executor executor) {
056    if (executor == null) throw null;
057    this.executor = executor;
058  }
060  // Showcases a convenience method to idempotently marking the Subscriber as "done", so we don't want to process more elements
061  // herefor we also need to cancel our `Subscription`.
062  private final void done() {
063    //On this line we could add a guard against `!done`, but since rule 3.7 says that `Subscription.cancel()` is idempotent, we don't need to.
064    done = true; // If `whenNext` throws an exception, let's consider ourselves done (not accepting more elements)
065    if (subscription != null) { // If we are bailing out before we got a `Subscription` there's little need for cancelling it.
066      try {
067        subscription.cancel(); // Cancel the subscription
068      } catch(final Throwable t) {
069        //Subscription.cancel is not allowed to throw an exception, according to rule 3.15
070        (new IllegalStateException(subscription + " violated the Reactive Streams rule 3.15 by throwing an exception from cancel.", t)).printStackTrace(System.err);
071      }
072    }
073  }
075  // This method is invoked when the OnNext signals arrive
076  // Returns whether more elements are desired or not, and if no more elements are desired,
077  // for convenience.
078  protected abstract boolean whenNext(final T element);
080  // This method is invoked when the OnComplete signal arrives
081  // override this method to implement your own custom onComplete logic.
082  protected void whenComplete() { }
084  // This method is invoked if the OnError signal arrives
085  // override this method to implement your own custom onError logic.
086  protected void whenError(Throwable error) { }
088  private final void handleOnSubscribe(final Subscription s) {
089    if (s == null) {
090      // Getting a null `Subscription` here is not valid so lets just ignore it.
091    } else if (subscription != null) { // If someone has made a mistake and added this Subscriber multiple times, let's handle it gracefully
092      try {
093        s.cancel(); // Cancel the additional subscription to follow rule 2.5
094      } catch(final Throwable t) {
095        //Subscription.cancel is not allowed to throw an exception, according to rule 3.15
096        (new IllegalStateException(s + " violated the Reactive Streams rule 3.15 by throwing an exception from cancel.", t)).printStackTrace(System.err);
097      }
098    } else {
099      // We have to assign it locally before we use it, if we want to be a synchronous `Subscriber`
100      // Because according to rule 3.10, the Subscription is allowed to call `onNext` synchronously from within `request`
101      subscription = s;
102      try {
103        // If we want elements, according to rule 2.1 we need to call `request`
104        // And, according to rule 3.2 we are allowed to call this synchronously from within the `onSubscribe` method
105        s.request(1); // Our Subscriber is unbuffered and modest, it requests one element at a time
106      } catch(final Throwable t) {
107        // Subscription.request is not allowed to throw according to rule 3.16
108        (new IllegalStateException(s + " violated the Reactive Streams rule 3.16 by throwing an exception from request.", t)).printStackTrace(System.err);
109      }
110    }
111  }
113  private final void handleOnNext(final T element) {
114    if (!done) { // If we aren't already done
115      if(subscription == null) { // Technically this check is not needed, since we are expecting Publishers to conform to the spec
116        // Check for spec violation of 2.1 and 1.09
117        (new IllegalStateException("Someone violated the Reactive Streams rule 1.09 and 2.1 by signalling OnNext before `Subscription.request`. (no Subscription)")).printStackTrace(System.err);
118      } else {
119        try {
120          if (whenNext(element)) {
121            try {
122              subscription.request(1); // Our Subscriber is unbuffered and modest, it requests one element at a time
123            } catch(final Throwable t) {
124              // Subscription.request is not allowed to throw according to rule 3.16
125              (new IllegalStateException(subscription + " violated the Reactive Streams rule 3.16 by throwing an exception from request.", t)).printStackTrace(System.err);
126            }
127          } else {
128            done(); // This is legal according to rule 2.6
129          }
130        } catch(final Throwable t) {
131          done();
132          try {  
133            onError(t);
134          } catch(final Throwable t2) {
135            //Subscriber.onError is not allowed to throw an exception, according to rule 2.13
136            (new IllegalStateException(this + " violated the Reactive Streams rule 2.13 by throwing an exception from onError.", t2)).printStackTrace(System.err);
137          }
138        }
139      }
140    }
141  }
143  // Here it is important that we do not violate 2.2 and 2.3 by calling methods on the `Subscription` or `Publisher`
144  private void handleOnComplete() {
145    if (subscription == null) { // Technically this check is not needed, since we are expecting Publishers to conform to the spec
146      // Publisher is not allowed to signal onComplete before onSubscribe according to rule 1.09
147      (new IllegalStateException("Publisher violated the Reactive Streams rule 1.09 signalling onComplete prior to onSubscribe.")).printStackTrace(System.err);
148    } else {
149      done = true; // Obey rule 2.4
150      whenComplete();
151    }
152  }
154  // Here it is important that we do not violate 2.2 and 2.3 by calling methods on the `Subscription` or `Publisher`
155  private void handleOnError(final Throwable error) {
156    if (subscription == null) { // Technically this check is not needed, since we are expecting Publishers to conform to the spec
157      // Publisher is not allowed to signal onError before onSubscribe according to rule 1.09
158      (new IllegalStateException("Publisher violated the Reactive Streams rule 1.09 signalling onError prior to onSubscribe.")).printStackTrace(System.err);
159    } else {
160      done = true; // Obey rule 2.4
161      whenError(error);
162    }
163  }
165  // We implement the OnX methods on `Subscriber` to send Signals that we will process asycnhronously, but only one at a time
167  @Override public final void onSubscribe(final Subscription s) {
168    // As per rule 2.13, we need to throw a `java.lang.NullPointerException` if the `Subscription` is `null`
169    if (s == null) throw null;
171    signal(new OnSubscribe(s));
172  }
174  @Override public final void onNext(final T element) {
175    // As per rule 2.13, we need to throw a `java.lang.NullPointerException` if the `element` is `null`
176    if (element == null) throw null;
178    signal(new OnNext<T>(element));
179  }
181  @Override public final void onError(final Throwable t) {
182    // As per rule 2.13, we need to throw a `java.lang.NullPointerException` if the `Throwable` is `null`
183    if (t == null) throw null;
185    signal(new OnError(t));
186  }
188  @Override public final void onComplete() {
189     signal(OnComplete.Instance);
190  }
192  // This `ConcurrentLinkedQueue` will track signals that are sent to this `Subscriber`, like `OnComplete` and `OnNext` ,
193  // and obeying rule 2.11
194  private final ConcurrentLinkedQueue<Signal> inboundSignals = new ConcurrentLinkedQueue<Signal>();
196  // We are using this `AtomicBoolean` to make sure that this `Subscriber` doesn't run concurrently with itself,
197  // obeying rule 2.7 and 2.11
198  private final AtomicBoolean on = new AtomicBoolean(false);
200   @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
201   @Override public final void run() {
202    if(on.get()) { // establishes a happens-before relationship with the end of the previous run
203      try {
204        final Signal s = inboundSignals.poll(); // We take a signal off the queue
205        if (!done) { // If we're done, we shouldn't process any more signals, obeying rule 2.8
206          // Below we simply unpack the `Signal`s and invoke the corresponding methods
207          if (s instanceof OnNext<?>)
208            handleOnNext(((OnNext<T>)s).next);
209          else if (s instanceof OnSubscribe)
210            handleOnSubscribe(((OnSubscribe)s).subscription);
211          else if (s instanceof OnError) // We are always able to handle OnError, obeying rule 2.10
212            handleOnError(((OnError)s).error);
213          else if (s == OnComplete.Instance) // We are always able to handle OnComplete, obeying rule 2.9
214            handleOnComplete();
215        }
216      } finally {
217        on.set(false); // establishes a happens-before relationship with the beginning of the next run
218        if(!inboundSignals.isEmpty()) // If we still have signals to process
219          tryScheduleToExecute(); // Then we try to schedule ourselves to execute again
220      }
221    }
222  }
224  // What `signal` does is that it sends signals to the `Subscription` asynchronously
225  private void signal(final Signal signal) {
226    if (inboundSignals.offer(signal)) // No need to null-check here as ConcurrentLinkedQueue does this for us
227      tryScheduleToExecute(); // Then we try to schedule it for execution, if it isn't already
228  }
230  // This method makes sure that this `Subscriber` is only executing on one Thread at a time
231  private final void tryScheduleToExecute() {
232    if(on.compareAndSet(false, true)) {
233      try {
234        executor.execute(this);
235      } catch(Throwable t) { // If we can't run on the `Executor`, we need to fail gracefully and not violate rule 2.13
236        if (!done) {
237          try {
238            done(); // First of all, this failure is not recoverable, so we need to cancel our subscription
239          } finally {
240            inboundSignals.clear(); // We're not going to need these anymore
241            // This subscription is cancelled by now, but letting the Subscriber become schedulable again means
242            // that we can drain the inboundSignals queue if anything arrives after clearing
243            on.set(false);
244          }
245        }
246      }
247    }
248  }